Andrew W. Jackura
Small Hall 326B
Department of Physics
William & Mary
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
Andrew W. Jackura
I am an Assistant Professor of Physics in the Nuclear Theory group at William & Mary.
My research focuses on few-body nuclear and particle reactions, using theoretical and numerical tools to connect low-energy reactions to the fundamental theory of nuclear forces, Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD). I am interested in hadron spectroscopy, three-body dynamics, and electroweak interactions of hadrons. My research is closely related to the goals of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). I frequently collaborate with theorist and experimentalist from Jefferson Lab to further our understanding of QCD.
I am a member of the Exotic Hadrons Topical Collaboration (ExoHad), which is funded through the U.S. Department of Energy within the program "Topical Theory Collaborations in Nuclear Physics". ExoHad explores all aspects of exotic hadron physics, from predictions within lattice QCD, through reliable extraction of their existence and properties from experimental data, to descriptions of their structure within phenomenological models.
I am also a member of the Hadron Spectrum (HadSpec) collaboration, which is an group specializing in using high-performance super computers to study hadron reactions and spectroscopy from first principles. I am also an affiliate member of the Joint Physics Analysis Center (JPAC), an international group of theorists, phenomenologists, and experimentalists who work together to provide analysis tools for hadron spectroscopy.
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Orcid (0000-0002-3249-5410)
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