Physics 772: The Standard Model of Particle Physics

Time: Mon/Wed 11:00 am - 12:20 pm
Location: Boswell Hall, Room 2
Instructor: Prof. Andrew W. Jackura
Office: Small Hall 326B
Phone: 757-221-6369
Office hours: Mon/Wed, 2:00 - 3:00 pm, or by arrangement
Course page:

This course is a technical introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It will provide the necessary background needed to carry out research in modern particle and nuclear physics. We will review aspects of gauge theories and their use in the description of electroweak and strong interactions, and construct the Standard Model from the observed fundamental symmetries of nature. Goals include understanding the Standard Model theory, calculating elementary observables, and comparing theoretical results to experimental measurements.




Lecture Notes

Every week I will upload my handwritten notes.

    Overview of the Standard Model

    Aspects of QFT - Scalar Fields

    Aspects of QFT - Spinor Fields

    Symmetries I - Lie groups and Lie algebras

    Gauge Theory I - QED

    Phenomenology I - QED (electron-positron annihilation)

    Phenomenology I - QED (g-2 part 1)

    Phenomenology I - QED (g-2 part 2)

    Symmetries II - SU(3)

    Symmetries II - Hadrons and the Quark Model

    Gauge Theory II - QCD

    Phenomenology II - QCD

    Symmetries III - Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

    Gauge Theory III - Electroweak Model of Leptons

    Phenomenology III - Electroweak Theory

    The Standard Model

    Standard Model Phenomenology

    Beyond the Standard Model - Neutrino Masses

Feynman Rules

    Generating Vertex Feynman Rules

    Feynman Rules - scalar phi 4

    Feynman Rules - Yukawa

    Feynman Rules - QED

    Feynman Rules - complex scalar

    Feynman Rules - Scalar QED

    Feynman Rules - QCD

    Feynman Rules - Electroweak Theory

    Feynman Rules - Standard Model

Problem Sets

    Problem Set 1

    Problem Set 2

    Problem Set 3 (np total cross sections)

    Problem Set 4

    Problem Set 5 (TASSO Bhabha cross sections)

    Problem Set 6 (JADE muon cross sections, JADE tauon cross sections)

    Problem Set 7

    Problem Set 8

    Problem Set 9

    Problem Set 10

    Problem Set 11

    Final Exam

Problem Sets - Solutions

    Problem Set 1 - Solution

    Problem Set 2 - Solution

    Problem Set 3 - Solution

    Problem Set 4 - Solution

    Problem Set 5 - Solution

    Problem Set 6 - Solution

    Problem Set 7 - Solution

    Problem Set 8 - Solution

    Problem Set 9 - Solution

    Problem Set 10 - Solution

    Problem Set 11 - Solution

    Final Exam - Solution